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How to find the sum of diagonals of a matrix in Dart

1 Answer

0 votes
import 'dart:io';

int sumDiagonals(List<List<int>>matrix) {
    var rows = matrix.length;
    var cols = matrix[0].length;
    var sumDiagonalLeft = 0;
    var sumDiagonalRigth = 0;
    for (var  i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        sumDiagonalLeft += matrix[i][i];
        sumDiagonalRigth += matrix[i][cols - i - 1];
    print("sumDiagonalLeft = " + sumDiagonalLeft.toString());
    print("sumDiagonalRigth = " + sumDiagonalRigth.toString());
    return sumDiagonalLeft + sumDiagonalRigth;
void main() {
    List<List<int>> matrix = [ [1,   2,   3,   4,  0], 
                               [5,   6, 100,   8,  1], 
                               [2, 100,   8, 100,  3], 
                               [1,   7, 100,   9,  6], 
                               [9,  10,  11,  12, 13]];
    // sumDiagonalLeft = (1 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 13) = 37
    // sumDiagonalRigth = (0 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 9) = 32 
    // 37 + 32 = 69


sumDiagonalLeft = 37
sumDiagonalRigth = 32



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answered Jun 19, 2023 by avibootz